Wytwórcza Spółdzielnia Pracy “Społem” is a company with over 100-year history. Thanks to a skillful combination of tradition and modernity, it is currently one of the leaders in the Polish food products market. The company’s high position has been achieved, among other things, through care in preserving tried and tested recipes, the highest quality of ingredients used in production, and the loyalty, commitment, and many years’ experience of its employees.
Being aware that the further development of our co-operative depends on the satisfaction of our customers, we have implemented, maintain, and continuously improve a Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of PN-EN ISO 9001:2015, and a Food Safety Management System with reference to the requirements of PN-EN ISO 22000:2018. The effectiveness of the systems is confirmed by a certificate issued by an independent, accredited certification body. We are convinced that the implemented principles of quality and food safety management will allow us to meet the growing requirements and new challenges posed by our customers, and thus maintain one of the leading positions in the ranking of sales of food products.
We intend to make the Food Quality and Safety Policy a reality by pursuing the following strategic objectives:
– continuous attention to the quality and health and defense of manufactured products.
– ensuring that the information flow within the co-operative satisfies its needs.
– maintaining proper relations with stakeholders.
– careful identification and communication of customer needs and expectations.
– improving cooperation with customers and suppliers.
– strengthening the company’s position in the market.
– finding new sales markets.
– adjustment of the product range to the changing needs and expectations of customers.
– raising the awareness, qualifications and practical skills of employees in relation to quality requirements and product safety.
– promoting and improving food safety culture.
– improving economic efficiency, safety and work organization.
– compliance with legal and normative requirements in the field of business operations and implemented management systems.
The established, accepted and communicated Food Quality and Safety Policy obliges all employees to consciously pursue the assumed quality objectives and tasks, to meet the requirements, and to continuously improve the implemented system. Employees of the co-operative are aware that only individual responsibility for the quality of their work and full identification with the policy of the company guarantee the achievement of the assumed objectives.
As those responsible for the Quality Policy, we declare the provision of resources necessary for the proper operation, development and improvement of the system, our commitment, and the involvement of all employees of the co-operative in the effective implementation of this policy.